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Για τη Φ/Β βιομηχανία

Για το σχήμα πιστοποίησης PVTRIN

The European Energy and Climate Change policies, as well as the supporting EU Member States’ legislations have resulted in high market growth for photovoltaics. Applying PV technologies however, requires highly-qualified technicians to install, repair and maintain them. Until today, national markets have been growing faster than the qualified PV installers force can satisfy. The shortage of qualified workforce may result to poorly installed systems with negative impact on the PV industry’s credibility and development.

The PVTRIN scheme incorporates the criteria set by the 2009/28/EC Directive (article 14, Annex IV) for qualification schemes and certified training courses in each Member State, taking into account the market needs and the national legislation. It will, initially, be implemented in six (6) countries: Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Romania and Spain.

For further information, keep checking this website or contact the PVTRIN Contact Point in your country